Wednesday, July 25, 2007

The Rochdale Mall Shopping Center

Earlier this month, we posted pics of the Rochdale Shopping Center on the north side of Rochdale Village. Today, we present Rochdale Mall, located on the south side (at 137th Ave. & 169th St.). It's unique because of the outdoor courtyard-styled design. It's still a bit outdated, but not like the indoor shopping center. Albeit smaller, it feels a bit more contemporary and intimate, with green park benches, Wax Begonia plantings and a couple of Honey Locust trees. With all the necessities in one area, it's definitely a meeting spot and more than likely, you'll bump into someone you'll know.

(looking north, before entering the mall area)

(standing from the center of mall, looking south)

(Looking north. A security guard chats with some of the residents.
Note the promenade in the background.)

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